An organ of the American Institute of International Studies (AIIS), Fremont, CA

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Journal of America Team:

 Editor in chief: 
Abdus Sattar Ghazali

 Managing Editor:
Mertze Dahlin   

Senior Editor:
Arthur Scott

Syed Mahmood book
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Journal of America encourages independent
thinking and honest discussions on national & global issues


Disclaimer and Fair Use Notice: Many articles on this web site are written by independent individuals or organizations. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the Journal of America and its affiliates. They are put here for interest and reference only. More details


    About Us 

    Journal of America is an organ of the American Institute of International Studies (AIIS), Fremont, California.

    AIIS, American Institute of International Studies, is a non-profit, public-policy research institution, based in California. AIIS is exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of Internal Revenue Code. This education foundation was established on August 21, 1995.

     The mission of the Institute is to promote the understanding of global issues in the area of the humanities, economics,  business, politics, and international security. Its goals are to:

    • Advance the cause of justice, peace and long-range global stability by research and education
    • Conduct a wide range of research projects on local, national, and international issues of concern to the American public; and
    • Promote and conduct studies and research on the art, history, philosophy, culture and religion of culturally distinct communities that share the same American values.

      The objectives of this Educational Foundation are:

    • To offer a new perspective to educators, journalists, Congress, Senate and Presidential Staff by presenting policy options, position papers and briefing papers on important national and international issues.
    • To promote harmonious relationships and understanding between the people of United States and the people of the third world and developing nations on the basis of mutual respect.
    • To advance trade and investment between the United States and developing countries

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